Personalized, Targeted Test Prep and Applications
Providing tutoring services for students applying to high school,
college, and graduate school
(858) 356-9866 (landline)
Providing tutoring services for students applying to high school,
college, and graduate school
(858) 356-9866 (landline)
Kathryn's Mission Statement
I believe that students of all ages can earn admission to the school that is the right fit for them.
Through individualized instruction, my students learn how to perform to the best of their ability on standardized tests
and how to write powerful and insightful personal statements. I not only teach my students test-taking strategies and techniques,
but also help them find their ideal work/play balance, manage anxiety and expectations (their own and those of others),
and create strong application packages that represent them as the talented students they are.
When we are done working together, my students feel they have earned their best scores possible
and are proud of how they have represented themselves on paper.
Open today | 10:00 am – 06:30 pm |
Monday - Thursday: 10:00am - 6:30pm
Friday: 10:00am - 5:30pm
Evening/Weekend/Holiday: appointments available upon request
We like to meet in person whenever possible, but, for students from all over the country (and the world),
we meet over FaceTime, GoogleMeet, or Zoom!
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